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Charles “Chuck” Nechtem – Grief Support Therapist

Charles “Chuck” Nechtem is the founder and president of Charles Nechtem Associates, Inc. (CNA), a company that offers mental health support programs and grief counselling services. Chuck holds two master’s degrees from Columbia University, specializing in Psychology and Education. His extensive expertise stems from a background as a therapist at renowned institutions such as St. John’s Hospital in Queens, NY, and Beth Israel Medical Centre in Manhattan, NY.

When will I “get over” this?

Loss is not something we “get over”, but something we adapt to. When we lose a pet, we are changed by the loss. There is no timeframe for grief, but eventually the memory of our pet provides us with comfort instead of the pain of the absence.

For more information: Understanding Grief After the Loss of a Pet

How do I tell my children that our pet has died?

Children need to be told clearly and honestly that the pet has died as words like “put to sleep” may frighten them. Provide as much information as they, and you, would like depending on their maturity level. Allow your children to express their emotions and answer questions they may have.

For more information: Supporting Youth and Families with the Loss of a Pet

Are my other pets grieving?

Absolutely. Keep routines regular and be patient and responsive to their need for attention and affection. Your other pets may notice a change in the family dynamic and sense the family’s grief.

For more information: Nurturing Surviving Pets Through Loss

When should I get another pet?

Allow yourself time to process your grief and loss. Go into acquiring a new pet knowing that they are unique and will not be a replacement for your deceased pet.

For more information: Coping Strategies and Looking Ahead

Is it normal to experience guilt after my pet has passed away?

Feeling guilty is a common part of the grieving process. Remember that you made the best decisions you could for your pet’s well-being and try to focus on the love and care you provided throughout their life.

For more information: Understanding Grief After the Loss of a Pet